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How Flip Intelligently Handles Callers With Non-Specific Questions

Nothing says “Thursday” like fresh Flip product updates. This week, we’re covering:

  1. General Order Call Flow
  2. Order Number Configurations

Here, Kristina covers it all:

General Order Call Flow

“Where is my order?” is a super common call type.

Last week, Flip’s eComm product manager, Charles Royle, sat down with Kristina Keene to talk about how we handle WISMO calls – covering everything from how Flip leverages a brand’s various data points to provide a more accurate answer to this fundamental question, to how Flip will continue to evolve to answer this question even more intelligently.

If you missed this event, click here to watch the replay.

While WISMO is pretty straightforward, what happens if a caller just says “Order” when Flip answers their call? Are they wanting to know where their order is? Or are they wanting to place a new order?

Well, Flip now asks callers clarifying questions to suss out what they are looking for when giving such a general response.

Asking callers these questions helps ensure they get the answers they are seeking even when they are not specific in their request.

Callers speak how they do – Flip understands and offers help. Easy peasy.

Order Number Configuration

Flip has long had the ability to let brands identify the length of the order numbers they use, but now brands can also specify if their order numbers are all numeric, have a prefix, or are alphanumeric.

For numeric order numbers, Flip enables keypad entry for the caller to enter their number – though this can also be disabled easily in the Company Configurations area of the portal.

For those order numbers with a prefix, simply enter what that prefix is and then select if callers will need to enter it or if Flip can append it to their order number.

As for alphanumeric order numbers, all that’s needed is to select that option from the Order Number Format widget in the Company Configurations page, save, and you’re all set.
That’s it for this week. Want to see how Flip can automate your brand’s phone channel? Book time with us here.

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