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How UNTUCKit Leverages Customer Experience To Drive LTV

Fast-growing and innovative clothing company UNTUCKit understands better than most that the best driver of LTV is providing superior customer experience. To help deliver on that, the brand has enlisted the services of Kustomer, Aircall, and Flip. Read on to learn all about it.


When Michael Vroom first joined UNTUCKit as Customer Service Director, the team was making do with a hodgepodge of different support tools. And while this setup may have been sufficient in the early days, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the company’s rapid growth would soon present new challenges.

“We had stitched together solutions from a few different vendors along the way, but it was time to really solidify our operations with a smarter, more seamless tech stack,” Vroom explained. As a start, he wanted to give employees a more connected view of customer activity. Kustomer was chosen to be that centralizing force.

The customer service platform now helps UNTUCKit tie together everything from payment history to support chats. Plus, it’s a flexible solution that will grow with the team.


Tolerating a glitchy phone system suddenly made even less sense in light of the team’s sleek new support platform. UNTUCKit soon partnered with Aircall after searching for voice solutions in a very logical location: Kustomer’s integration marketplace.

“As soon as the ink dried on Kustomer, they connected us to the Aircall folks and it was a hand-to-glove fit of putting those two pieces together,” Vroom said. “The impact was immediate. Our agents really took to it. For me, it was really important that the UX for our agents was as good as possible so that the communication they’re having with our customers was as seamless as possible.”

That’s only one part of the story, however. Aircall also took advantage of its local roots and provided live onboarding sessions at UNTUCKit’s NYC headquarters. And as the team grew even more confident with the Kustomer + Aircall integration, customers started taking notice as well.


Ahead of peak season 2020, UNTUCKit knew it was going to be understaffed in its call center and needed to come up with a mitigation solution. Enter Flip, a Voice automation tool that answers routine support calls so UNTUCKit’s dedicated customer service team could focus on the more complex issues.

UNTUCKit has been known for innovating on product and customer experience in the apparel industry for more than 10 years now. With Flip, they are utilizing AI and automation to expend their customer support, reduce the human labor required to handle call volume, and are dramatically reducing overall customer service costs. Wins all around. As for Kustomer, Aircall, and Flip, Vroom called integrating the three platforms together, “painless.”

“Flip’s no cost, rapid implementation eliminated all of the upfront risk. Now we’re using their service to handle a variety of call types, and they only charge for interactions completed without human assistance. It’s simply amazing. We tried to give another vendor a chance but by the time they were ready to start implementing, Flip had already handled thousands of calls with no negative impact to CSAT.”

– Mike Vroom, Senior Director, Customer Experience


When it really comes down to it, Vroom said the real key to leveraging CX to drive LTV is to “meet your customers where they are. You want to make sure you’re leveraging the channels that are most important to them. ”

“It’s a constant process. It’s important that you’re always looking for those bottlenecks, those customer pain-points, and then taking the necessary steps to remedy them. Move the bar up over time,” Vroom added. “Whatever the situation is with your customer, you have to come to them from a place of empathy. That’s always going to allow you to provide the best level of customer service. And when you connect with your customer on a genuine level, that’s where you have those moments where the customer takes something away from that conversation.”


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