Instantly Automate a Flip Ton More of Your Existing Ride Inquiries 

August is nearly over, y’all! 

Time to soak up those last summertime days and keep it simple. Which is exactly what we’ve been focused on at Flip – creating even more ways to simplify things for fleets and passengers. 

And, with back to school on the brain, we figured we’d shine a light on what’s turning out to be an A+ feature: Advanced Ride Lookup. 

We’ll also take a quick peek at the latest with Conversational Calls, and share details on where you can bump into our Flip transpo team over these next couple of months. 

‘Nuff talk… let’s get this show on the road! 

Advanced Ride Lookup

Welcome to a more advanced option for looking up an existing ride. 

The way Flip interacts with your callers—as with many dispatch systems—is based on the caller’s phone number. The call comes in, and we either recognize an existing ride associated with the caller’s number, or we request the phone number associated with the passenger’s ride.

But, where does that leave inquiries that come in from third party callers or facilities? Inquiries for, say, Non Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) trips? 

Maybe you have: 

  • A broker calling to check the status of a trip
  • A hospital worker calling to activate a will call trip for a person who is ready to be discharged
  • An adult calling on behalf of a school-age child
  • A concierge calling to change the time of a guest’s ride 

The list goes on… These kinds of callers may or may not be able to provide the phone number associated with the ride they’re inquiring about. 

That’s where our new Advanced Ride Lookup feature comes in. If Flip isn’t able to find a ride associated with the number provided, there’s no need to escalate to an agent. 

To pull up the correct ride, Flip will now ask qualifying questions, such as: 

  • What is the pickup location for the ride? 
  • What is the date & time for the ride? 
  • What is the name of the passenger? 

We’ll use that information to pull up the correct trip – and easily make any necessary updates. Bing, bang, boom. 

This feature serves a whole new clientele of inquiries, and—starting tomorrow, the 28th of August—we’re Flippin’ thrilled to be able to offer it to our transportation customers. 

Hear Flip’s new Advanced Ride Lookup Feature in action.

Smart Suggestions 

In our last release, we shared some of the latest updates to Flip’s Conversational Calls feature, including our new Smart Suggestions. Those capabilities are—by popular demand—continuing to grow. So, if you haven’t yet had a chance to dig into the latest we have to offer with Conversational Calls, click on the image below to hear 7 different call types in action. 

On the Road 

‘Tis the season for transportation events, and the Flip team loves getting to mingle with so many fantastic people in the industry! 

In fact, our own Will van der Linde and Richard Dale just got to connect with some of the best in Cairns, Australia for the ATIA International Taxi Conference and at the Small Passenger Service Association (SPSA) 2024 Conference in New Zealand.

This quarter, you’ll also find us at the following events: 

And, we’d love to see you there!

That’s a wrap for this release. If you’d like to learn more about what Flip can do for your business, let’s schedule a chat.

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