Let’s Automate Helping Callers Schedule Time With Your Brand’s Tech Support

It’s Thursday, which can only mean one thing: FRESH FLIP PRODUCT NEWS.

This week, we’re talking about a new configuration built to help one of our clients automate a rather unique offering for their customers.

This client lets their customers schedule time with their tech support team when they’ve got an issue with one of our client’s products or need help with set up.

Rather than escalating callers to an agent when they wish to schedule time, Flip will instead send the caller a text message with a link to the scheduling page so they can book a time convenient for them.

Boom – automated. Callers can book time to get the hands-on help they need in under a minute.

One beautiful use case for this new configuration? If your brand offers tech support at individual brick-and-mortar locations, you can set this config up to send scheduling links specific to each location.

Helpful, huh?

To see the process for setting this configuration, and to hear a test call and see the SMS experience side, Kristina walks you through in this video:

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