There's never been an easier way to get started with AI. Enter your details below, and you'll be on your way.

Shopping Is Fun – Phone Support Should Be Too

Instead, it’s as painful as shopping for jeans. It’s time to Flip your CX.


There's never been an easier way to get started with AI. Enter your details below, and you'll be on your way.

Health, Wellness, & Fitness

Super secure, HIPAA compliant, and can handle prescriptions and subscriptions with ease. Giving you the peace of mind to know your patients are in safe hands - even if those hands aren’t human.

Beauty & Haircare

Your caller needs to schedule an appointment to get their hair done? Flip’s got it. Or maybe they need to modify their skincare subscription? Flip’s got that too. And loyalty points. And VIP handling. And…

Fashion & Apparel

When those new jeans just don’t fit right, Flip to the rescue to help start a return. Plus, delivery updates, damaged item resolution, and SMS opt-in for order updates & marketing alerts.

Food & Beverage

Oh no! The delivery for the nut sampler they ordered is missing! Flip can get them sorted and help them start a claim - if needed. We can also help with subscriptions, charge queries, missing items, and incorrect items delivered.

Home & Cookware

So their new frying pan or throw pillow was delivered damaged? Flip can start the resolution process through MMS fed straight to your helpdesk. Plus, new order escalation for that upsell for an extra sheet set.

Luxury Goods & Jewelry

The white-glove service your customers expect, with rapid issue resolution - because time is money, honey. Special VIP handling for the Beyonces of the world, intelligent call routing, and on-brand messaging.


Your callers should be playing fetch with Fido - not waiting in a queue to find out when his favorite kibble will be delivered. Automated subscription management, order modification, and new orders so Fido can get a fun toy, too.
Shoppers Gotta Call

No Matter What You’re Selling

Flip is natively integrated with your existing tech stack and built to handle the things your customers are already calling about.

Simple toggles over building decision trees all day, every day. This is the interface for managing the next generation of AI experiences.

Turn Voice into a performance channel

Automation & Savings

  • Automate 200+ routine intents
  • Answers & Actions
  • SMS Deflections & Resolve via Ticket
  • Simple ROI savings calculator – $1.50 per call, not $5+

CX Metrics

  • Analytics to see AI CSAT, hold time, AHT, Missed Calls, etc
  • With automation & less agent volume, all speed metrics improve
  • After Hours handling solves missed calls 
  • Agents have time for important calls, driving CSAT boosts


  • “Save” returns, cancellations
  • Suggest alt step, offer discount
  • Collect reasons automatically
  • As high as 20% LTV increase


  • Turn callers into conversions
  • SMS subscribe, app, brand quiz
  • Personalized offers
  • Generate direct growth from CX, automatically

Direct Sales

  • Identify sales opps for queue
  • Detect
  • Final sale $
  • Measure sales with AI analytics


Not Another Flow Builder

Flip is natively integrated with your existing tech stack and built to handle the things your customers are already calling about.

Simple toggles over building decision trees all day, every day. This is the interface for managing the next generation of AI experiences.


This Is How Flip Resolves Your Most Common Calls



The #1 call reason – Automate 75%+ of WISMO calls, prevent future ones, and drive SMS subscribers.

  • 50+ 3PL integrations to share real-time delivery details
  • Auto-escalate problem deliveries, vary handling if order is determined vs not
  • Deflect to tracking page, confirmation email, or account login
  • Opt-in text with tracking & other links
  • Opt-in to subscribe to SMS for proactive updates


Order Modifications is a driver of calls. Flip enables you to automate them with just a few clicks.

  • Configure your cancellation window, then vary handling accordingly
  • Cancel orders directly via API, or placing a tag on the order
  • Resolve via Ticket so Flip has the call & agent executes the cancel
  • Deflect with text to account login
  • Collect cancellation reason


What if you could make subscription management fully self-serve for your callers? With Flip, you can… and we’ll support your brand strategy while we’re at it.

  • Cancel or modify subscriptions, monthly or prepaid, via API
  • Integrated with Recharge, Ordergroove, Stay, Skio & more
  • Save cancellations by offering discount or suggesting to skip an order
  • Escalate to specialized agents to attempt a save
  • Collect cancellation reason


20% of all calls are customers trying to purchase – why not convert these into sales?

  • Vary handling based on new vs existing customer
  • Escalate to specialized sales agents queue
  • Ability to block order by phone, or require an account
  • Track sales conversion $$$ from analytics
  • Escalate high value sales only


Eliminate fraud while seamlessly resolving issues with delivered items.

  • Decide your resolution strategy – refund, reship, exchange, etc
  • Request photo evidence by text to process request
  • Deflect for self-serve to account login or delivery email
  • Escalate to specialized agents


Flip can do full appointment management, from scheduling, to canceling, modifying, and notifying if the customer who booked the appointment is running late.

  • Selection of service type
  • Dynamic date & time determination
  • Book entirely via API into scheduling system
  • Deflect with text to where customers can book online
  • Suggest app download & share download link by text


Humans have to sleep. Flip doesn’t.

Let Flip take the calls after hours so you can advertise 24/7 phone support.

Go live with your first intent in 30 minutes.

Curious About The Results You’ll See With Flip?

Of course you are. From higher CSAT and massively reduced missed call rate, to transforming the phone channel into a revenue driver, brands just like yours have seen some eye-popping results with Flip. Check out their stories.


No team? No budget? No problem.

Get started for free. Flip is easy to try – and it doesn’t require big roadmap space or pre-approved budget. Be up and running in 30 minutes and fully Flipped in just a few days.

Step 1: Listen Mode

  • Get Intent Distribution & Free AI Analytics
  • Build Business Case for Automation
  • Launch for Free

Step 2: Automation

  • Turn on High Opportunity Intents based on Listen Mode Results
  • Instantly Reach 25%+ Automation
  • Improve CX & Agent Experience
  • Get a Shared Slack & Dedicated Flip CSM, Build Over Time

Step 3: Outcomes

  • Caraway Home Reached 80% Automation
  • True Classic’s CX Team Saw A Sales Lift for their Phone Channel
  • Bonafide Increased Retention by 12%
  • Helix Sleep Drove SMS List Growth



Adding AI to your phone channel shouldn’t be a headache. Flip is super lightweight, and the set up is quick and simple. Pricing is performance based along with a small monthly platform fee. And there’s zero risk to getting started.

Flip’s AI is ready for prime time – and our pricing model proves it.



Plus, zero team training needed.


Get Started

For your first 14 days.


Per Automated Call

No charge if the call is forwarded.

Calculate how much you would save with Flip.

Savings Calculator 2023

*Assumes an average cost per call of $5, 40% automation rate, and a cost of $1.50 per automated call with Flip.


Big Savings & Higher CSAT?!? Yup & Then Some

Directly drive retention, marketing conversions, and revenue. 

See how brands like yours have done it with Flip.

Breanna Moreno
VP of CX, True Classic
“At the end of the day your revenue is your bottom line. So if you’re getting impact there—beyond just the simple WISMOs and Returns and and other easy questions to automate —then it makes AI automation a no brainer. And when it comes to the voice channel, Flip is the one.”

Mary Esty
Senior Manager of Customer Experience & Retention, Tuckernuck
“It was hilarious. I think we answered 650 or 700 phone calls that came through the Monday before we launched. There were 35 calls in the queue at all times. Knowing what we could have been doing with Flip – it just pained me.”

Erica Gutierrez
Senior Customer Experience Manager,
“You guys promised this would be super easy and I didn’t believe you, but it was and we got it launched successfully before BFCM!”

Zach Gentry
Director of Customer Experience, 3Z Brands
“One of the best things about Flip is I didn’t have to do a lot of work to set it up. And if I need any updates or there are any changes that need to be made, I just send an email and it gets updated. Unlike IVRs that I’ve used in the past, I don’t have to figure out the mapping of the conversations.”

Caitlin Saine
Systems Administrator, GNC
“Prior to having Flip on any phone service that we had, it was kind of like a tree – like 1980s set up of an IVR. Callers would get so mad and just press whatever and end up obviously in the wrong spot. Now, it’s streamlined. We don’t have that gap anymore. We don’t have that complaint anymore. We don’t have any complaints on our phone at all. So, that’s one of the biggest changes we’ve taken away from implementing Flip.”

Matt Solusod
eCommerce Customer Service Manager, Aviator Nation
“With the growth of our business, we wanted to provide all channels of customer service that we could. Flip was key in the decision to have a constant phone line, just because we could automate away some of those WISMO calls or just really simple status checks… We only get the customers that have a little more complex of a request or inquiry that can’t be handled through the automated system. It’s been working well for us.”

Caela Castillo
Director of CX, JAXXON
“I have nothing but good things to say about Flip. Because it has literally put us in a position where it runs so smoothly, and it just makes our lives so much easier that—at my level—I hear no complaints. Everyone’s happy. And our agents – they love it. They think it really helps.”

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