August Product Release: 50% Call Automation & Automated Retention Saves

Hey friends — Happy eve of summer & dawn of peak season! 

We at Flip have been in absolute ~flow state~ this summer (special shoutout Thesis @Ben Segal). 

The #1 metric our product team focuses on is successful automation, i.e. calls we are able to resolve with the customer so they never need to speak with an agent. Across our commerce/retail customer base, average automation is now 50% for the first time 🥳

And brands like True Classic Tees, Princess Polly, and Madison Reed have been able to achieve these results just days after launching this summer. Reducing cost per call, freeing agents from the routine requests, and driving CX metrics like hold time, missed calls, AHT, and more. These are real AI results 📈

Some highlights that have helped us get there: 

  • Sending Deeplinks via SMS for WISMO and returns via carrier and return platform API integrations 
  • Resolving order, subscription, and appointment questions/requests via API in Shopify/Salesforce, Recharge/Ordergroove
  • Creating task tickets for agents to execute follow-up actions (Cancel/Modify Order) where APIs aren’t available 
  • Flip Voice AI v7.0 with improved precision, spam detection, and ability to understand product names 

We have also had customers like Hexclad, Caraway Home, and Birdies trailblaze new ways of using Flip… 

Too many calls for too few agents might be the primary thing holding back most teams, but how about when there are no phone agents? And besides solving problems, how can we turn these conversations with callers into impact on important company metrics like cancellation or return rate, app downloads, and product quiz participation? 

And so, we have evolved to this more holistic picture of what Flip does:


Helpdesk integrations with the likes of Kustomer, Zendesk, Gorgias, Richpanel & Help Scout have long-been part of Flip, allowing us to retrieve info on previous customer contacts, and update customer profiles with conversations Flip has. 

Over the past few months, we’ve built upon this functionality. Now you can…

  • Include additional info in Flip tickets – AI call summaries, full call transcript, level or urgency/loyalty, whether an SMS was sent, and more
  • Log conversations in different helpdesk queues and with different tags 
  • Have Flip trigger SMS sends from your helpdesk so replies go to agents

We’ve also extended our After Hours capabilities to support easier channel-transferring, VIP service for the most important calls, and a smoother experience throughout so the caller knows upfront that there aren’t any agents available to assist. 

Flip’s configuration portal for help desks


This is where things get real juicy. Where it goes beyond agent efficiency and speedy resolutions to delivering wow moments with customers and influencing the most important metrics inside your business. 

Give discount codes or loyalty points to customers who had issues with their order: They trusted your brand, paid for their product, then had an issue – this is a moment where we see the best brands go above and beyond. Give these customers something for free in addition to quickly resolving their problem. 

Suggest that customers calling to order take your brand quiz first: For brands that don’t take new orders over the phone, this is a great way to still drive positive conversions when people call. 

Send SMS links to download your app where they can self-resolve: Effective app strategies often include exclusive access and relaxed permissions. Now when customers call about specific topics where there is an app benefit, Flip can make them aware and text them a deeplink to download. 


Cancellations and returns are a real double-whammy when the request comes through your customer service. Not only are you dealing with the negative business outcome, but it’s also an extra ticket you’re paying for your team to handle. 

With profitability top of mind, these post-purchase negative outcome metrics are front and center all the way up to the board room. And your best agents are probably the ones who can “save” these customers. 

Now Flip can do an automated save attempt for the following intents: 

Requested Intent Save Options 
Cancel Order Propose Edit instead
Modify Order Offer discount code to keep as-is
Return OrderPropose free exchange 
Cancel SubscriptionPropose skipping next order, discount code
Cancel AppointmentOffer to reschedule instead

Some of the many intents Flip offers out of the box to Ecommerce brands

The best part? Turning these on is a simple keystroke flip of a switch:


  • WISMO Improvements – More accurate delivery date estimates, clear callout that delivered notification can come early based on carrier, better handling of in-store pickups 
  • Integrations with Loop and Fabric, enhancements to our Shopify and Salesforce integrations 
  • Dialogue improvements to more quickly get callers to the specific order they’re calling about 
  • SMS texts sent from Flip number so customers can easily call back to chat further
  • New voices – Southern US and an additional Australian option


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