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3 Hot Updates to Flip’s Conversational Calls

Happy end of July, all! Temps are up, and it’s been a hot minute since we’ve checked in with a Flip transportation product release. So, let’s get into the latest! 

To start, we’ve been having WAY too much fun:

  1.  Seeing so many fantastic fleets at events (bring ‘em on!) AND
  2.  Working on smokin’ new updates to make Flip’s Conversational Calls even better for our transportation customers.

Too many goodies there to include in one product release, so—for today—let’s touch on 3 of our favorite additions to Flip’s Conversational Calls. 

#1 Smart Suggestion: Pick Up & Drop Off Locations 

We’re all about helping you provide a faster, easier, better experience. Based on the caller’s history of frequently scheduled rides, Flip can suggest both the pick up and drop off locations.

So, say your passenger regularly makes the same trip from their home address (point A) to the grocery store (point B) on the same day and time every week. When they call, we’ll offer them the same trip.

Take a listen:

#2 Smart Suggestion: Pick Up Based On Day & Time

Similar to the above, this update is all about tracking trends. Looking at your passenger’s habits, Flip will now offer the caller different pick up suggestions based on the day or time of day they call. 

For example, we know that every Friday at 10am, Mrs. Gilbert requests a pick up from the pub. Whereas, every Monday at 8am, she needs a pick up from her home address. Depending on when she calls, Flip will suggest the pick up location that best matches her habits.

#3 Rebook Recently Cancelled Ride 

When your caller re-engages, we’ll help you make the moment count. Flip can now pull details from a caller’s recently cancelled ride and ask if they’d like to rebook for an ASAP pick up.

Take a listen:

Flippin’ Real Results

It’s brilliant getting to witness the difference these kinds of capabilities are making for some of our customers. Take Blueline Taxis, for example. 

Since moving over to Conversational Calls less than a month ago, they’ve seen a 5% increase in their IVR bookings, engagement is way up, and their automation rate is now the highest it’s ever been. 

Ready To Roll

In truth, Conversational Calls is the best thing to hit our Voice AI since we dove in six years ago. And the team’s genuinely jazzed to be so busy implementing this next generation of Flip for our Fleets. 

If you haven’t yet had a chance to delve into the details of what Conversational Calls can do for your fleet, let’s get your name on the list! 

Schedule a chat here.

Until next time – wishing you all kinds of summertime success!

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