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Announcing Flip CX Gorgias

by | Oct 29, 2021 | Announcements

Flip is the first automation bot for the phone channel, used by breakthrough brands like UNTUCKit, Pair Eyewear, Brooklinen, and more. Gorgias is the leading fully-integrated helpdesk for e-commerce merchants.

When used together, brands can easily turn on phone support and improve CX. Here’s how:

1 – Already providing phone support? Improve it with automation 

The phone channel is beloved by consumers for its speed & ease, but is historically hard to do well – long hold times, restricted hours, and agent quality problems derailing the experience. But as chatbots have done for text-based channels, Flip’s voicebot does for the phone – 40% automation and improvement across all key KPIs, from hold time to missed call rate and beyond!

2 – Not yet providing phone support? Easily add it 

With Flip x Gorgias you can begin offering phone support without adding agents or more tech. Simply turn on Flip, allow customers to quickly resolve their simple requests with the voicebot, and set it to seamlessly forward any complex calls to your chat or email channel. No longer is voice so challenging and expensive. Wow your customers.

3 – Easy integration & rich analytics 

Through this one-click setup, you can be up and running in minutes with a fully integrated solution. See the detail of all Flip calls right alongside customers’ other touchpoints. Plus, through Flip’s analytics, for the first time gain insight into what your customers are calling about.

‍Visit for additional details, or click here to turn on your free 30 day trial.

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