How Blueline Taxis Flipped Their 3rd Generation Fleet Into Next Gen Voice AI 

Story time… 

Way back in 1958, Colin and Audrey Shanks started a taxi company in Newcastle, England with a single car – a white Austin Morris that had a thin, blue line down its side. Three generations later, Blueline Taxis boasts a fleet of over 1,000. The company is still in the family, and it’s stronger than ever.  

Part of that strength? Their commitment to finding and utilizing the most effective technology for their drivers and passengers. 

Ben Bell, Operations Director at Blueline Taxis and grandson to its founders, is a massive advocate for this forward-thinking strategy. 

As he puts it, “The world’s changing. If you’re not used to having automation or AI as such, it’s one of the directions that technology is going in. Now, everyone likes the personal service—we get that—but a lot of businesses can’t have that many people giving that personal service all of the time. And that’s why the technology’s there – to help out.” 

Which is where Flip enters the story. 

To be fair, Blueline “inherited” Flip as the automation solution partnered with the fine folks at Cab9. But, as Ben says, “That’s worked out!” 

And if you ask him for a nutshell description of the Flip effect, he’ll tell you, “It’s helping save time, become more efficient, and it’s a cost-effective way of getting bookings into the building.” 

Lovely words, to be sure (thank you, Ben!), but we’re all about details – so let’s dive in!

Implementing Flip

When it comes to implementation, Flip prides itself on a quick, painless process. So, we were happy to hear Blueline’s experience was “straightforward” and simple. Because—let’s be honest—a solid tech solution should be low effort, high impact for the businesses it’s designed to help. 

Blueline was especially impressed with the personal attention their fleet received from Flip’s transportation team. 

“Having someone that we could actually talk to and help mold it a little bit – we were going to them with features or tweaks here and there, and they were getting done,” says Ben.

“It’s been quite a good little working partnership, with the [R&D] guys, Kelly McFall, and Rich Dale especially. They listened to what we wanted, they sat with us, they helped us mold it, did the changes that we believed we needed… And, ever since then, our automation has just crept up and up and up.”

Listen as Ben Bell shares what it was like implementing Flip.

Gettin’ Conversational

When asked what Flip capabilities have had the most impressive impact, Ben doesn’t hesitate to highlight the latest Conversational Calls feature. 

As he points out, “We’ve probably seen—even in these early stages of a month or 6 weeks—close to 5 to 10% increase in automation with bookings. And they’re completed bookings as well… It’s putting more work in the system.” 

And the happy stats don’t stop there. “The numbers are definitely going up,” says Ben. “Just last week, we had our highest ever IVR automated week in the history of Blueline Taxis. So, something’s working well with the IVR, and I think it’s the Conversational side.”

Ben also notes that, prior to utilizing our Conversational Calls feature, results with Flip were “good…consistent…steady.” But, as someone who—like Flip—is always looking ahead, this Operations Director is constantly on the hunt for ways to increase automation and improve the overall experience for his fleet and the passengers they serve. 

He recalls, “When Flip started bringing [Conversational] out and we got to test it, I wanted a minimum of a 5% increase – which is done.  Now, it’s – how do we get the extra?”

We also have to applaud Blueline’s approach to these changes, as they’ve put in the time to reach out and acclimate customers to the updated system. And, with additional improvements coming out every week, it’s all rights and green lights for the Flip + Blueline journey ahead.

Check out what Ben thinks of Flip’s latest updates – including Conversational Calls.

More Fav Features

Other Flip updates have also delivered in a big way for Blueline. But, top of Ben’s list? Hangup Callouts

These capabilities were designed to offer a proactive, automated approach to re-engaging callers and confirming bookings, and it just Flippin’ works. 

As Ben says, “Looking at that,” he says, “that’s capturing 70% of the hangups that previously would have just disappeared and may have tried someone else.”

Driving Positive Change

It’s not unusual for us to be inspired by the work our customers are doing in their communities, but Blueline’s above-and-beyond efforts should be known! 

Their most recent partnership with Think Pink—an org that recruits, trains, and mentors women drivers—is off to a smashing start and “bringing a bit of color” to Blueline’s fleet and office. 

“It’s great from two sides,” says Ben.” We’re helping to get women back into work or leading a more flexible lifestyle – whether that’s that they’ve had kids or are semi-retired or whatever it may be and they want to make a little extra income, or get back into working full time but don’t want the restrictions of having to set hours, etcetera… On the Flip side, it helps the charity.”

Blueline has also partnered with and supports: 

To all of the above, we have one thing to say… FLIP YEAH!

Next Up

Ben’s current wishlist for Flip isn’t long. He’s simply looking forward to continuing to increase the automation rate there at Blueline. As he says, “All conversations at the minute are all about – how do we get better?”

That’s our favorite question. And, we’re thrilled to be collaborating with this fantastic fleet – to be a very small part of their story, and to continue supporting the legacy that is Blueline Taxis.

Let Ben tell you—in his own words—what it’s like to work with Flip’s Transportation Team.

P.S. If you’re interested in hearing Ben share the more detailed history of how Blueline Taxis got started (a truly fantastic story), find it here.

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