2 New Ways To Automate Sizing & Inventory Inquiries

If this week has felt like a hurricane – not to worry, we can assure you that it is in fact Thursday which means the week is almost done.

The other thing we can assure you of is that this week’s product release covers two new configurations that enable brands to automate calls about where to find inventory and product sizing info.

What’s exciting about these updates is that when callers have inquiries about either inventory or product sizing info, it’s a strong indication of their buying intent.

And automating such calls gets them closer to purchasing even faster.

For inventory checks, simply toggle on that inventory information on your website is correct, and Flip will handle the rest – letting callers know to trust what’s on your site and assure them that agents have the same data so no need to double check with them.

On the product sizing info side of things, we can automate things by sending callers to a FAQ page, or other specific page on your website – and then text them the exact link to be sure they are getting directed toward the information they need before checking out.

Given that both of these intents indicate pre-purchase callers, you can also set both up to have Flip immediately escalate such callers to your best agents to complete the sale.

That’s the beauty of Flip – it’s up to you, and our Voice AI will know what to do.

In this week’s video, Kristina walks you through how to set up these intents in our portal, and features a demo call of Flip handling both an inventory and product sizing info questions.

See you next Thursday!

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