Peace Out Voicemail – Here’s How To Deflect SMS Support After Hours With Voice AI

It’s that time again – Flip’s weekly product release has arrived! 

And, seeing as how you blink and February’s done (fer rill), we’ll keep this one short and sweet. This week’s Flip updates include: 

  • Ability To Customize To Your Brand When Channel-transferring From Voice –> SMS
  • Play Buttons

Here’s what that means for brands like yours. 

Channel-Transfer Voice —> SMS In Style

When it comes to after hours call handling, let’s say you’re a company that either: 

  1. Doesn’t offer the option for customers to leave a voicemail message, OR
  2. Would simply prefer customers not leave a voicemail.

Of course, that said—no matter what time of day or night—you don’t want to just end a call and leave your customer wondering what the Flip just happened. 

Conundrum? Nope. 

Flip now gives you the option to offer After Hours deflection via SMS. Why? We’ve found that if customers were rejecting other handling – rather than an abrupt end to a call, they prefer being given the option to text. 

If we have your SMS configured, this feature also lets us open a ticket (instead of a voicemail). But, it works if you’re sending via Flip’s SMS as well.

Plus, you can enter your preferred link for the SMS that leads anywhere you’d like—an email, a form, a web page—and you can include your own custom details like SLA windows or specific chat hours.

Current customers like SNOW, Reservebar, and Princess Polly are already big fans of these options. And, we Flippin’ love providing them. 

Easy Listening 

Then there’s this fun little feature for our Flip customers. Right there on your Flip portal, we’ve added Play Buttons to all spoken additional messages you’d like Flip to say for certain configurations. 

Because, after all, Voice for your brand is kind of our jam. And, you should have easy access to hear how things will sound for your callers.

That’ll do us for this week. Keep an eye out for more helpful Flip updates next Thursday – same time, same place. And, if you’d like to learn more about what Flip can do specifically for your brand, let’s chat.

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