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Those Subscription Modification Calls? Flip Automates Them With These 2 Updates

Not only is it Thursday, it’s also JUNE. Which means summer is here for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere!

This week’s updates are at least as exciting as finally seeing the sun and feeling its heat again. At least it will be for those brands using Loop Subscriptions for their subscription management.

And, not to worry, these updates will soon be coming to all the other subscription platforms as well, so stay tuned and read on!

Both updates expand how Flip can help your customers manage their subscriptions when they call in – both automating the quantity of items in their next shipment and changing their delivery date.

For the first, let’s say your caller is currently receiving one bottle of your daily multivitamin but they’d like to update their subscription to include two units in every shipment. They call in and Flip is at the ready to make the change in an instant.

Your callers can also tell Flip they’d like to change their delivery and billing date from—let’s say—August 13 to next week. And Flip will make sure that change is updated in your subscriptions platform so that your customer gets their next order on their desired date.

Best news, both subscription modifications can be made in the same call and handled in less than 2 minutes – getting your customer back to enjoying the warm weather faster, and leaving them with the peace of mind of knowing they’ll get two bottles of their favorite multivitamin next week.

In both cases, set up couldn’t be easier. First step: set up your Loop Subscriptions integration—if it’s not already set up—by inputting your API key and Cancellation Flow ID. Boom, done. Your wonderfully helpful Flip CSM can also do this for you.

Then it’s as simple as navigating to the Subscriptions intent category, and setting both the Update Quantity and Change Delivery Date sub-intents to Resolve – Flip handles the rest.

Kristina goes through both updates and plays a test call in this week’s video. You’ll see it below.

Any subscription-related automations you’d love to see from Flip? Email with your suggestions and she’ll work some magic.

See you next Thursday!

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