Flip CX Day 1 Challenge – Free $500?

by | Nov 11, 2021 | Promotions

At Flip CX, our goal is to make automation easy for any business. We believe automation is not only a buzzword, but a launchpad to happier customers, more engaged employees, and more profitable businesses. Quality automation is hard to achieve today, but not with Flip CX – 30 minute setup, free for the holidays, and no contract required. It can actually be yours, now.

In honor of our recent integration with Gorgias, we are kicking off a Day 1 automation challenge!

The challenge is simple – Book time on our colleague Erik’s calendly here and 24 hours later you’ll be automating. If we fail, we’ll send you a $500 Visa gift card.


  • Immediate automation of of your order status calls & more
  • Basically 0 time to setup and absolutely no engineering time
  • Save time, save $$, improve basically all KPI’s (CSAT, abandon rate, missed calls…)

See you on Zoom!

Available for Shopify customers only, and for admins with access and authority to implement. Only for a limited time.

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